Members may move through the ranks and obtain higher offices, much like business positions. Each position carries more and more responsibilities. If he participates, here are just a few things that a young man will learn in DeMolay that will prepare him for leadership. These experiences will give him a head start on his classmates in the race for scholarships and jobs such as:

  • Public Speaking
  • Appearance and image maintenance
  • How to plan and execute events such as banquets and dances
  • How to run a business (Parliamentary Procedure)
  • How to prepare agendas
  • How to assign, utilize, and execute committees

DeMolay helps prepare young men to be better leaders and great people.


Members have access to learning events and educational programs. Ohio DeMolay learning events include:

  • Ohio DeMolay Leadership Education. This is a weekend event where DeMolay's learn leadership techniques and work in groups to solve problems.

DeMolay educational programs include:

  • LCC or Leadership Correspondence Course. This is a five part course, teacher the background of DeMolay, as an organization, and many techniques on better leadershipt.
  • RD or Representative DeMolay. The Representative DeMolay Award was created by DeMolay Founder, "Dad" Frank S. Land, to encourage all members of DeMolay to evaluate and develop a well-rounded life that is characterized by the practice of the virtues and values of the Order. To this day, the Representative is the highest award for self-achievement that can be earned by an Active DeMolay. The Representative DeMolay program is one of self-evaluation. Members seeking to obtain the award must evaluate their development in various areas of life. A detailed and honest evaluation is required. Those who show progress in all-around development and a firm understanding of their own strengths and needs are awarded the high honor of being called a Representative DeMolay.


The DeMolay Congress is the Senate-style body where two voting delegates represent each DeMolay jurisdiction. The delegates meet once a year and elect an International Master Councilor and an International Congress Secretary, who lead and serve as the heads of the body for a time span of one year. The International Master Councilor and International Congress Secretary are voting members of the Board of Directors for DeMolay International. Additionally, delegates discuss and vote on legislative issues.